Samkhya Karika 10

हेतुमदनित्यमव्यापि सक्रियमनेकमाश्रितं लिङ्गम् ।
सावयवं परतन्त्रं व्यक्तं विपरीतमव्यक्तम् ॥ १० ॥

hetumadanityamavyāpi sakriyamanekamāśritaṁ liṅgam ।
sāvayavaṁ paratantraṁ vyaktaṁ viparītamavyaktam ॥ 10 ॥

Hetumat=dependent on a cause; anityam=non-eternal, perishable; avyāpi=finite, non-pervasive; sakriyam=mobile or active; anekam=manifold; āśritaṁ=dependent; liṅgam=mark, pointer; sāvayavaṁ=made up of parts; paratantraṁ=subordinate; vyaktaṁ=manifested; viparītam=opposite; avyaktam=unmanifest

The manifest is dependent on a cause, non-eternal (transient), non-pervasive, active, has multiple forms, dependent, serving as a mark/pointer (for inference), aggregate of parts and is subordinate. The unmanifest is the reverse of all this.

In Karika 8 it was mentioned that the manifest world of 23 elements (buddhi etc.) has similarities as well differences with the unmanifest Mula Prakriti. In the present karika, the attributes of the manifest that are different from the unmanifest are listed.

  • Hetumat (dependent on a cause): The manifest is represented by the 23 elements (buddhi and the rest). Buddhi has Prakriti as its cause. Ahamkara (ego) is caused by the buddhi. Five subtle elements (smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing) and the eleven organs (five organs of perception, five organs of action and the mind) have the ego as their cause. The five gross elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) have the five subtle elements as their cause.
  • anityam (non-eternal): since each of the 23 elements is created by its respective cause, it has a beginning and an end. That means everything that’s created is perishable. Prakriti is eternal and non-perishable.
  • avyāpi (finite, non-pervasive): Every manifest element is limited by time and space whereas Prakriti is subtle and all-pervasive.
  • sakriyam (mobile or active): manifest, in the form of subtle body, is involved in transmigration. Prakriti, in the unmanifest form is not active.
  • anekam (manifold): the manifest elements, buddhi etc., are different from one individual to another. Gross elements like earth can manifest as a jar or a piece of cloth etc.
  • āśritaṁ (dependent): Each of the 23 elements is dependent on their respective cause for its creation and functioning. Prakriti does not depend upon anything for its creation and sustenance.
  • liṅgam (mark, pointer): Each element is a pointer for its cause – buddhi is a lingam for Prakriti, ahamkara is a pointer for the buddhi etc., all the way down to the gross elements. Prakriti is uncaused and is not a pointer to anything.
  • sāvayavaṁ (made up of parts): Manifest is aggregate of all the 23 elements. Prakriti has no such parts. One may raise an objection that Mula Prakriti too is a composite of the three gunas – sattva, rajas, and tamas. However, this is countered by the fact that these gunas are in a state of equilibrium and do not perform any function as individual parts.
  • paratantraṁ (subordinate): buddhi and the rest of the elements are effects from a cause, hence dependent on their cause, the Mula Prakriti. Prakriti is independent.

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