अष्टविकल्पो दैवस्तैर्यग्योनश्च पञ्चधा भवति ।
मानुषश्चैकविधः समासतोऽयं त्रिधा सर्गः ॥ ५३ ॥
aṣṭavikalpo daivastairyagyonaśca pañcadhā bhavati ।
mānuṣaścaikavidhaḥ samāsato’yaṁ tridhā sargaḥ ॥ 53 ॥
Aṣṭa=eight; vikalpaḥ=varieties; daivaḥ=celestial; tairyak=belonging to animals (literally horizontal); yonaḥ=species; ca=and; pañcadhā=of five types; bhavati=is; mānuṣaḥ=of humans; ca=and; ekavidhaḥ=of one kind; samāsataḥ=in brief; ayaṁ=this; tridhā=of three kinds; sargaḥ=creation
The celestial creation is of eight kinds; the animal species of five kinds; and the human is of one kind. In summary, this is the essence of the physical creation.
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