औत्सुक्यनिवृत्त्यर्थं यथा क्रियासु प्रवर्तते लोकः ।
पुरुषस्य विमोक्षार्थं प्रवर्तते तद्वदव्यक्तम् ॥ ५८ ॥
autsukyanivṛttyarthaṁ yathā kriyāsu pravartate lokaḥ ।
puruṣasya vimokṣārthaṁ pravartate tadvadavyaktam ॥ 58 ॥
Autsukya=desires; nivṛtti=fulfillment; arthaṁ=for the purpose of; yathā=just as; kriyāsu=in action; pravartate=are engaged in; lokaḥ=people; puruṣasya=of Purusha; vimokṣa=liberation; arthaṁ=for the purpose of; pravartate=engaged in; tadvat=in the same manner; avyaktam=unmanifest (Mūla Prakriti)
Just as people in the world engage in action to fulfill their desires, so also the unmanifest (Prakriti) engages in action to liberate the Purusha.
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