Sutra 1.46

ता एव सबीजः समाधिः॥४६॥

tā eva sabījas-samādhiḥ ॥46॥

taa = they (the four types of samapattis mentioned before); eva = indeed; sabIjaH = with seed; samaadhiH = meditative absorption


"They (stages corresponding to subtle objects) constitute only Samadhi with seed"

An object associated with Prakriti on which samyama is performed is technically a seed, whether it is gross or subtle. So "sabija samadhi" (samadhi with seed) is "objective" samadhi as opposed to "nirbija" samadhi where there is no object of meditation. In "nirbija" samadhi, purusha, who is beyond the realm of prakriti is the "objectless" object of meditation.


"These are the only kinds of objective concentration"

The four types of samapattis described use an external object for concentration. Nirvitarka and savitarka  relate to gross objects, whereas savichara and nirvichara relate to subtle objects. They are thus known as samadhis with seed.


In sutra 1.17 there were four types of samadhi mentioned – based on vitarka, vichara, ananda and asmita. However in this sutra, the reference seems to be only on nirvitarka, savitarka, savichara and nirvichara. There is no mention of samadhis with ananda and asmita. According to Swami Veda Bharati the following correspondence should be used:

  1. Savitarka samapatti = savitarka samadhi
  2. Nirvitarka samapatti = nirvitarka samadhi
  3. Savichara samapatti = savichara samadhi
  4. Nirvichara samapatti = nirvichara samadhi, samadhi with ananda, samadhi with asmita

All these are called "sabija" since they leave a samskara or a seed of bondage. The word "bija" can be looked upon as having two different connotations:

  • In a fruit, when you peel off the skin, the pulp and any other external matter, what is left is just the seed. In the same manner, seed can be considered to be the deepest essence of an object of meditation.
  • A seed when planted in a favorable environment can fructify and become a tree. Similarly, a samskara can be considered a seed since it can fructify into an active vritti in the mind given the right triggers.

For these reasons, the above-mentioned samadhis can be termed as sabija samadhi.

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