YSP Study Group – Sutra 2.25

तदभावात् संयोगाभावो हानं तद् दृशेः कैवल्यम्॥२५॥

tad-abhābāt-saṁyoga-abhāvo hānaṁ taddr̥śeḥ kaivalyam ॥25॥

tat = of it (ignorance); abhaavaat = from absence, removal; saMyoga = conjunction; abhaavah = absence, removal; haanaM = freedom, escape, liberation; tat = that; dRusheH = of the seer; kaivalyam = absolute freedom, liberation

Sw. Satchidananda

“Without this ignorance, no such union occurs. This is the independence of the Seer.”


“By the removal of ignorance, conjunction is removed. This is the absolute freedom of the seer.”


As we have seen before, the union of Purusha (soul) and Prakriti (represented by the buddhi – intellect) is the cause of bondage resulting in suffering. In sutra 2.24 it was mentioned that this union is caused by avidya (ignorance). The current sutra now states that separation between the two can only be achieved by removal of this avidya. This separation is the real remedy (the Sanskrit word used is “hanam”) for removing the bondage. We have to keep in mind that this bondage leads to the ongoing cycle of rebirth called “samsara”.

This separation between the Seer (Purusha) and the Seen (Prakriti) finally leads to the liberation of the Seer, termed “kaivalya” in the yoga sutras.

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