Sutra 3.17

शब्दार्थप्रत्ययानामितरेतराध्यासात् संकरस्तत्प्रविभागसंयमात् सर्वभूतरुतज्ञानम्॥१७॥

śabdārtha-pratyayāmām-itaretarādhyāsāt-saṁkaraḥ tat-pravibhāga-saṁyamāt sarvabhūta-ruta-jñānam ॥17॥

shabdaarthapratyayaanaamitaretaraadhyaasaat saMkarastatpravibhaagasaMyamaat sarvabhUtarutaj~jaanam

Sw. Satchidananda

"A word, its meaning, and the idea behind it are normally confused because of superimposition upon one and another. By samyam on the word [or sound] produced by any being, knowledge of its meaning is obtained."


"Due to the correlation between word, meaning, and idea, confusion ensues. By performing samyama on the distinction between them, knowledge of the speech of all creatures arises."


"The sound, the meaning (behind it) and the idea (which is present in the mind at the time) are present together in a confused state. By performing Samyama (on the sound) they are resolved and there arises comprehension of the meaning of sounds uttered by any living being."


"Word, Object Implied And The Idea Thereof Overlapping, Produce One Unified Impression. If Samyama Is Practiced On Each Separately, Knowledge Of The Meaning Of The Sounds Produces By All Beings Can Be Acquired"

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